Pot Pin Up Cook Book crowd funding campaign video pitch.
Fresh recipes by Watermelon and Photography by Maria Coletsis.

Pot Pin Up Cook Book
Tags: art, conversion, cookies, cooking, food, heal..., Maria Coletsis, marijuana butter, medicinal marijuana, photography, pinups, Pot cook book, recipes, Watermelon
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7 comments on “Pot Pin Up Cook Book”
Jacquelyn LaRonde
ack! I am just finding this now? 2 yrs later? *giggles seems I am always
late. Actually, I am very new, my dr is submitting paperwork to Tweed as we
speak (Ontario) for pain control (I need to stop this toxic morphine) . I
am not sure if they sell leaves so I can make own shake flour, bit fingers
crossed. Looks like you hace an incredible shop … thank you soo much for
what you are doing!
Marvin Carpenter
oooo god I love them pictures !!!
Marvin Carpenter
i freaking love yh channel watermelon !!!
you are funny watermelon. I like your work
Craig R
You are the most beautiful Pot Pin up model and Queen of Conversion.
Absolutely awesome.
Kathleen Rothman
how can I buy a book ??
Sweet jesus, you’re hot! Have you hung out with the Trailer Park Boys yet?