Deep fried bud dank marijuana pot marijuana recipes white rhino medicinal

Deep fried bud dank marijuana pot marijuana medicinal recipes
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8 comments on “Deep fried bud dank marijuana pot marijuana medicinal recipes”
Thomas's Fake account sorry
Searched fried weed and find this
Kami Halim
+Thomas's Fake account sorry saaaaaaaaAAAME
lol. ” That is tha bomb diggadi dank.”
Danny Rupp
Changing my name To Dan Co. Yes !!!! This is meant to Be Dan Covaci is Now
DanCo,….. copy write singing auto graphs this Sunday under
the St Johns Bridge… Look for a van down by the river… That’s me,
Danny Rupp
Dude, You are the Best friend a guy could have. I hope all our viewers
understand that I am the Super Genius of this Video although this Video was
your wife’s idea but she is real smart too. Maybe a little smarter than me
but this is all about helping the people like us that need meds that don’t
kill us. I love you too Mary, give a shout out for the coolest wife of a
best friend who filmed this and a whole lot more.
Danny Rupp
Just wait for more INCREDIBLE New Danky Adventures from the TWO Best
Friends in the Whole Wide Danky World. Hide Your Kids Hide Your Wife,
Things is gunna get a whoe lot DANKIER this Harvest ha ha… Is that a
word….. Add DANKIER to Wikipedia for me my peeps. and just for the record
that was Hemp “SEED” oil not “Hemp Oil” That is one of the things we intend
on covering and ingesting on a Video Near You. This is going to get CRAZY
Believe me when people find out what Hemp Oil is.
Share the love for deep fried dank!
Alex Kratzer
gourmet stoner recipes lovin it im so giving this a try