Sensible solutions to the overdose crisis include letting users get their drugs tested so they know what they are taking. Safer alternatives to opioids should also be made available, including cannabis as a substitute for opioids.
Mary Jean “Watermelon” Dunsdon, candidate for Vancouver City Council, explains why she loves cannabis, and wants to make sure legalization benefits everyone! Vote October 14! Find out more at
Mary Jean will defend Vancouver’s cannabis dispensaries, push for free public transit, fight for housing as a human right, and get the city to set up free anonymous testing for street drugs. Vote Mary Jean “Watermelon” Dunsdon for...
Vancouver City Council candidate Mary Jean Dunsdon is better known as “Watermelon.” She used to sell cannabis cookies at Wreck Beach. When she got charged, her community stood up for her, she fought the charges, and she won...