Here’s a recipe for cooking weed with crackers and nutella, or peanut butter. It’s called a “firecracker” but i wouldn’t ever call it that in front of friends, or even strangers for that matter. Firecracker? what the fuck…

marijuana recipes nutella crackers, aka firecracker
Tags: cook weed, drugs plaza, drugsplaza, firecracker, Marijuana, moistrous, pharmers market, Weed, weed recipe
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7 comments on “marijuana recipes nutella crackers, aka firecracker”
Jordan Smith
just some tips for people doing this its best to wrap the crackers in tin
foil and also my first time i did about .9 between 3 crackers…. i did not
like the high for my first time it was too much even though im a heavy
smoker so be sure to use .5 for first time as a max, also peanut butter
need to be very high in fat some i have tryed didnt work… if you can get
hold of almond butter this should work great also if you have any peanut
butters that have a huge puddle of oil on the top will be fantastic for
this and also using peanut butter doesnt mask the taste as much i had to
force them down but nutella covers the taste better still not that good
tasting but it wasnt quite like i had to force them down… also any kief,
hash anything with thc in will work for this
Reese Lightning
does it work with nutella and hash ?
How much would this smell up my kitchen?
you must get the SHITTEST weed
How much does it smell while being “cooked” in the owen?
I have a tiiiiny sprinkling of weed left so I’m gonna try this tomorrow. I
hope it’s enough to have an effect. :