Marijuana Mojitos
A tasty summer treat!

Marijuana Mojito Recipe
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10 comments on “Marijuana Mojito Recipe”
valerie waldron
Where did you go? 🙁 Love you <3
esta tia no tiene ni puta idea de hacer mojitos..
kevin brookes
muddling the mint is alot easier if you add the lime juice after (rubbing
the mint raw with just the sugar). other than that and a fan leaf to
garnish 😛 i’d say this is the best canna cocktail recipe ive ever seen
need to try this now!!
Landon Austin Bey
I think I’m in love . . . what a woman. Moms is great also!!!
Aleta Arrington
Landon Austin Bey
Yup. Get high and get drunk at the same time.
Aleta Arrington
I am to Landon…lol!!
Michelle Galetka
What is the song title and artist of the song in this video?
thad would shit himself if he saw this…….bms anyone?
what about the classic recipe just changing the mint leaves into cannabis