Watermelon cleverly combines two of your favourite things Marijuana & Bacon for the perfect treat. The BC bacon is then wrapped around cubes of cantaloupe. This recipe makes a perfect appetizer for any soiree.

Marijuana Bacon Recipe
Tags: bacon, BC bacon, cantaloupe, marijuana bacon, medical marihuana recipes, Watermelon recipes, Weed, weed recipes
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7 comments on “Marijuana Bacon Recipe”
forget the cocktail part. the bacon is all i needed to know.
Robin Nunya
????The vid was great but the comments tho…straight comedy!! Thanx?
shudthep raktakkhon
The food is good
Cooking With Cannabis
you are my shero!
this looks fucking good I’m am going to try it.
marta czech
can u please spend 1 more hour for this recepy …….xd.
so much no in this video