A little teaser for the great new recipes in season 2. Watermelon puts the fun into cooking…

Baking A Fool of Myself – Promo piece.
Tags: baking, Baking A Fool of Myself, cannabis cooking, medical cannabis, Video, Watermelon Weed Diva
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7 comments on “Baking A Fool of Myself – Promo piece.”
Shayne Ennis
John Haver
your website link gave me a virus you fucking dummy
Hey what is the title of this awesome jazz song? Cant find it anywhere…
🙁 Please help!
Roberto Tor
you look hot with the new cut :)
Carver Johns
I Luv Watermelon
Steven Hager
Watermelon, to join PI you must send me an email (as I explain over and
over) and explain your path and what asset you offer the Lodge. You can’t
apply through a youtube video. Writing the email is essential and your
first ceremony in the society. I can’t even put my email address on
youtube, but its all over facebook.
kaylee s
We have seen all those recipes before so how is this new ? :S