Easy-Pizzy scrambled eggs that anyone can make… slightly ‘elevated’.

Baking A Fool of Myself: Green Eggs & Toast
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7 comments on “Baking A Fool of Myself: Green Eggs & Toast”
NewbieOn TheHerb
oh my GOSH! This tastes SOOOO good!!!
Thanks for the idea.
u are seriously lacking brain cells
Jesse Jackson
I also think pizza with weed would be great to learn how to cook also some
sugar cookies with weed and donuts with weed n it
what no ham? this would go great with canabacon!
ccroman Roman
Thinking of trying this tomorrow morning. But are you serious about giving
ur cat sum mary j??? Thtz too funny lol.
Hug 23
iam glad i found you…just so entertaining..and i love your photos too!
Michelle Holmes
She is my long lost twin!!! Sisters separated at birth! ! Great ideas, will
be fixing my honey some eggs in the manana;)